How to Setup Container Gateway

To process inbound traffic for your container group, you will need an endpoint. Follow these steps to set up Salad's Container Gateway and serve inference to your Container replicas.

Considerations Before Setting Up Container Gateway

  • Container Gateway must be setup before your container group goes live.
  • Container Gateway is not suitable for requests that take longer than 100 seconds on the Salad network. If you have plan to run longer jobs, consider using job queues instead.

  1. Configure the application to listen on the IPv6 network.

  1. Enable the Container Gateway (Load Balancer) on the container group using IPv6 port.

  1. Once the Container Gateway is enabled, you will receive your Access Domain Name, which can be used to access your application.
    1. The Access Domain Name is located in the Container Group.
    2. You do not need to append the configured port to the Access Domain Name.
Access Domain Name in Portal
  1. Configure the Readiness Probe to evaluate whether a container is ready to accept the traffic from the Load Balancer.

  1. If you encounter an error while attempting to access your Access Domain Name URL use this page to troubleshoot.

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